WHAT IS SEARCH INTENT CLASSIFICATION? Search Intent Classification (also referred to as User Intent) is an Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning technique that pinpoints the PROBABLE intent from what the user said/typed into the Search bar. Do they have a question they want to be answered? Do they need to find specific instructions/directions? Perhaps they want to buy, quote, or inquire about something? Consultants often use the Apple … [Read more...]
What Every Marketer Should Know About the 4 Main Types of Analytics
These days, marketers toss around “Predictive” and “Prescriptive” analytics phrases like confetti. Half of them seem to think that saying “tomorrow will be another day that ends with a Y” is revolutionary. I guess they’re better than the ones who think the reports they’ve done for 40 years THAT ARE STILL PRINTED ON GREENBAR are revolutionary, but I digress…. What are the four main types of marketing analytics and what should you know about … [Read more...]
Generative Adversarial Networks: What Marketers Need To Know
GAN stands for Generative Adversarial Network. A GAN comprises two parts: a Generator and a Discriminator. The Generator’s job is to take the data it is fed and produce an output (i.e., image, text, audio, video, etc.) that is so convincing that the Discriminator can’t tell that it’s a fake. The Discriminator’s job is to take the exact same data that the Generator has and show him why his output is fake and how he could do better. In a … [Read more...]